******************************** * * * Symfony requirements check * * * ******************************** * Configuration file used by PHP: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini ** ATTENTION ** * The PHP CLI can use a different php.ini file * than the one used with your web server. * To be on the safe side, please also launch the requirements check * from your web server using the web/config.php script. ** Mandatory requirements ** OK PHP version must be at least 5.3.3 (5.5.9-1ubuntu4.29 installed) OK PHP version must not be 5.3.16 as Symfony won't work properly with it OK Vendor libraries must be installed ERROR app/cache/ directory must be writable Change the permissions of the "app/cache/" directory so that the web server can write into it. ERROR app/logs/ directory must be writable Change the permissions of the "app/logs/" directory so that the web server can write into it. OK date.timezone setting must be set OK Configured default timezone "Europe/Paris" must be supported by your installation of PHP OK json_encode() must be available OK session_start() must be available OK ctype_alpha() must be available OK token_get_all() must be available OK simplexml_import_dom() must be available OK APC version must be at least 3.1.13 when using PHP 5.4 OK detect_unicode must be disabled in php.ini OK PCRE extension must be available ** Optional recommendations ** OK Requirements file should be up-to-date OK You should use at least PHP 5.3.4 due to PHP bug #52083 in earlier versions OK When using annotations you should have at least PHP 5.3.8 due to PHP bug #55156 OK You should not use PHP 5.4.0 due to the PHP bug #61453 OK PCRE extension should be at least version 8.0 (8.31 installed) OK PHP-XML module should be installed OK mb_strlen() should be available OK iconv() should be available OK utf8_decode() should be available OK posix_isatty() should be available OK intl extension should be available OK intl extension should be correctly configured OK intl ICU version should be at least 4+ OK a PHP accelerator should be installed OK short_open_tag should be disabled in php.ini OK magic_quotes_gpc should be disabled in php.ini OK register_globals should be disabled in php.ini OK session.auto_start should be disabled in php.ini OK PDO should be installed OK PDO should have some drivers installed (currently available: mysql, sqlite)