{% extends "AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle::base_admin_assetic_less.html.twig" %}
{% block stylesheets %} {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }}
{% endblock %} {% block title %}
{{ parent() }} - {% trans from "Admin" %}Billing service line list{% endtrans %}
{% endblock %}
{% block body %} {% block page_title %}
{% trans from "Admin" %}Billing service line list{% endtrans %}
{% endblock %}
{{ block('actionsmenu') }}
{% block list_scopes %}
{% endblock %}
{% block form_batch_actions %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list_thead %}
{% if isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if isMulti is defined and isMulti==1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list_tbody %}
{% if BillingServiceLines|length > 0 %}
{% for BillingServiceLine in BillingServiceLines %}
{% if 1 %}
{% set oddclass=(loop.index0 % 2 == 0 ?'ginaodd':'ginaeven') %}{% block list_row %}
{% if isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1 %}
{% endif %}
{% if isMulti is defined and isMulti==1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block list_object_actions %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and (isMulti is not defined or isMulti!=1) %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% trans from "Admingenerator" %}list.header.actions{% endtrans %}
{% block list_td_column_idService %}{{ BillingServiceLine.idService }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'idService'!='idHistory' and 'idService' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.idService is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_idServiceExtremity %}
{% for object in BillingServiceLine.idServiceExtremity %}
{{ object }}
{% endfor %}
{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'idServiceExtremity'!='idHistory' and 'idServiceExtremity' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.idServiceExtremity is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_idServiceOption %}{{ BillingServiceLine.idServiceOption }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'idServiceOption'!='idHistory' and 'idServiceOption' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.idServiceOption is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_cdCustomerService %}{{ BillingServiceLine.cdCustomerService }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'cdCustomerService'!='idHistory' and 'cdCustomerService' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.cdCustomerService is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_idCurrency %}{{ BillingServiceLine.idCurrency }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'idCurrency'!='idHistory' and 'idCurrency' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.idCurrency is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_mtNrc %}{{ BillingServiceLine.mtNrc|number_format }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'mtNrc'!='idHistory' and 'mtNrc' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.mtNrc is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_mtNrcEuro %}{{ BillingServiceLine.mtNrcEuro }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'mtNrcEuro'!='idHistory' and 'mtNrcEuro' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.mtNrcEuro is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_mtMrc %}{{ BillingServiceLine.mtMrc|number_format }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'mtMrc'!='idHistory' and 'mtMrc' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.mtMrc is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_mtMrcEuro %}{{ BillingServiceLine.mtMrcEuro|number_format }}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'mtMrcEuro'!='idHistory' and 'mtMrcEuro' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.mtMrcEuro is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_dtStartMrc %}{% if BillingServiceLine.dtStartMrc %}
{% set datetime_format = "d/m/Y" %}
{{ BillingServiceLine.dtStartMrc|date(datetime_format) }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'dtStartMrc'!='idHistory' and 'dtStartMrc' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.dtStartMrc is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_td_column_dtEndMrc %}{% if BillingServiceLine.dtEndMrc %}
{% set datetime_format = "d/m/Y" %}
{{ BillingServiceLine.dtEndMrc|date(datetime_format) }}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and 'dtEndMrc'!='idHistory' and 'dtEndMrc' in assocs|keys and BillingServiceLine.dtEndMrc is not null %}
{% endif %}
{% if BillingServiceLines|length == 0 %}
{% trans from "Admingenerator" %}list.no.results{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% block list_batch_actions %}
{% if isMulti is defined and isMulti==1 %}
{% block contentactionsmenu %}
{% if (isSelect is not defined or isSelect!=1) and (isMulti is not defined or isMulti!=1) %}
{% block list_actions %}
{% if isMulti is not defined or isMulti!=1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% endif %}
{% if (isSelect is defined and isSelect==1) or (isMulti is defined and isMulti==1) %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}